YPAC Collaboration Activities and Physiotherapy Study Program FK UNUD on Community Service with the Title Assessment of Students with Special Needs at SDN Kalisari 05
In humans, disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death for the sufferer, or similar problems for those with whom the person relates. In this broader sense, disease sometimes includes injury, disability, disorder, syndrome, infection, isolated symptoms, deviant behavior, and atypical (uncommon) variations in structure and function, while in other contexts and for other purposes, it -This is considered a distinguishable category. Illness affects not only a person physically, but also mentally, because suffering from and living with an illness can change a person's outlook on life. The case of Physiotherapy can simply be understood as the discomfort felt by a person related to movement and function as a human being when carrying out daily activities. The age group of students has various problems that must be taken seriously and as a student of the Physiotherapy profession, an understanding of a case must be well understood and understood to be able to provide appropriate Physiotherapy services. The Jakata Foundation for the Care of Children with Disabilities (YPAC) on Friday, October 11, 2021. The activity was attended by YPAC Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Professional Students of FK UNUD. The activity focuses on researching and assessing the functional limitations of children with special needs at SDN Kalisari 05. It is hoped that this activity can increase awareness about musculoskeletal complaints that may occur in children with special needs.